Telnet Client Identification

No telnet client implements all of the possible functionality which the telnet protocol encompasses. And it is not even guaranteed that a given telnet client which implements a subset of that functionality does so correctly. For this reason, it is useful to be able to detect and identify which telnet client a player may log in with, and engage special handling to work around the lackings of that client.

This article is intended to define what fingerprints given telnet clients may provide a server which they connect to, and summarise the method of disabiguating which client is being used by what fingerprints a server identifies.

Client Method of identification Consistency
Mudlet Offers the "mudlet 1.1" terminal type. Unknown.
Mushclient Offers the "mushclient" terminal type. It is said that it is possible for the user to change this, but it is unlikely they will do so.
Putty Responds to ^E with "PuTTY". The user can change this "answerback" string Putty responds with, but it is unlikely they will do so.
Windows Telnet Offers the "VTNT" terminal type. Yes.
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